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Fly Fishing Report for the Upper Delaware and Catskill Rivers


Last night Guide Zach's guys doubled up on dry fly Browns

Another weekend is upon us. This one is looking pretty good as water levels are perfect for all and the big insect hatches are underway. The overall fishing is good just about everywhere but there are a lot of options. The tailwater and freestone rivers are offering a vastly different fishing experience from one another.

The tailwaters are decent but in my opinion not the best choice at this time. They are the lowest water at this time which always makes the fishing a challenge. The early heavy hatches are waning and the fish are getting pretty snotty about their feeding habits. These rivers are in need of a hatch change to perk things up again. The March Brown, Drake and Sulfur activity has not yet begun here.

The Freestone Rivers, Beaverkill, Willowemoc, Lower East and Main Stem have the bugs right now. March Browns are emerging slowly each day. There is a building hatch of larger Sulfurs in the afternoon. Near dark the smaller sulfurs have been profuse. There are also lots of Caddisflies about and the fish are taking them whenever they actually get on the water. There are also spinners in the drift just about 24 hours a day at this time. The super Bugs like the Drakes and Big Stoneflies are a possibility on these rivers at any time now. I have seen 1 green drake each of the last 2 days.

Mike G. with a March Brow eater he took on the Main Stem Delaware. Below is the same fish with our March Brown Cripple pattern on display

If you are planning to fish this weekend here is what Baxter House guides are doing - Blind fishing large March Brown patterns in the fast water. Nymph Fishing the Riffles. This is our non hatch period approach. In many cases we will blind fish a riff and then go back over the same water with nymph rigs. Overall there is a definite pattern of the nymphing being better when it is bright and the dry fly fishing being better under overcast skies. During the 2 brief periods this week where the sun hit the water our guests killed it on nymph rigs. We had hookups one after another. Additionally this was widespread as all of our guides reported similar action over 6 or 7 entirely different river locations around the system.

If you want to make a good day into a great day make sure to stay into dark. The sulfurs are blanketing the water at dark and the fish have been gorging. The other times of day it is a slow steady pick.

Make sure you stop by our shop on you way to the river. We have all of the flies we use in stock.Our guides are here in the mornings to assist you. They will let you know specifically where it's happening and assist you with fly choice and how we are rigging.

If you want to get on the water give us a call to book a trip 607-290-4022

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