Upper Delaware Fly Fishing Report
Anglers planning to fish this weekend will find all of our Upper Delaware Rivers to be on the low side. Currently the freestone rivers are really low. The East and West branches have minimal releases at this time. There is light rainfall in the forecast for the next 5 days. The current forecast is not predicting any substantial rainfall but it is predicting the type of weather conditions that usually provide exceptional fly fishing. If we have this prolonged period of overcast skies and light misty rainfall insect activity is sure to increase throughout the river system. Yesterday there was a marked improvement in insects activity throughout the day.
Based on the forecast this should be a great weekend to be out on the water. Here are the specifics.
At this time the only places that I am suggesting to fish are the Upper East Branch, West Branch and Main Stem. these are the only places that have had changing flow rates and good conditions for the Trout.
Our guides have been on the Main Stem and West Branch daily and our guests are enjoying great action. On all of my recent trips the nymph action has been steady and we are taking lots of Mature Wild Rainbows.

There has been a big increase in insect activity recently. There are huge caddis hatches daily now. Towards dark they are covering everything including anglers. Isonychia, Cahills, BWO'S, Sulfurs and Terrestrials continue to be on the water at times.
The coming days should provide some excellent fishing with BWO'S. The West Branch, East Branch has had some great hatches of these small mayflies recently. The Main stem has been a mix of all of the insects mentioned with none being on the water in great numbers except the Caddisflies. Overall you can find steady targets is you look closely and cover a lot of water.
If you float the river and switch between dry and nymph you can have some excellent action.
With the crazy caddis activity the nymphing game has changed quickly. Only a week ago just about every fish taken on the nymph was coming on tiny pheasant tails and copper johns. Now it's all caddis all the time. The last 2 days every single fish has come on our Ice Pupa patterns. Even when we have 3 different nymphs the Trout are keyed in on the pupas. The best colors have been the Light Olive with Brown Head and the Cream with Peacock Colored head. Make sure you stop by the shop to pick up a few.
I have a couple of guide openings for this weekend if you want to get out on the water. Give us a call or email if you would like one of the open slots. 607-290-4022
We are also now taking bookings for Salmon and Steelhead fishing on the Salmon River and Snook, Redfish, Tarpon and Trout fishing on Florida's west coast.