Upper Delaware Fly Fishing Report
This weekend should offer great fishing conditions for visiting anglers. Currently every Upper Delaware river is in good shape. All of our rivers are crystal clear and a bit low for the date. Water temperatures are optimum for both insects and Trout.
All of the Baxter House Guides have been on the water every day with guests. We have been finding lots of action for our guests and have brought lots of BIG trout to net this week on both dries and nymphs.
Below are 2 photos from my Main Stem Float yesterday.

Currently the Best Emergence of Mayflies are on the tailwaters. The West Branch is pumping out Hendrickson's. The other rivers seem to be somewhat past the peak of emergence at this time.
There are still plenty of insects on all waters to get the trout surface feeding daily. You can expect to see a mix of Apple Caddis, Grey Caddis, Hendricksons, Blue Quills, Quill Gordons, Stoneflies and heavy spinner activity.
The best action is from 3:00 pm until dark. Every day this week we came in in the dark and left rising trout active on the pools.
My best picks for this weekend are the West Branch and the Beaverkill. These have had lots of activity and improving action. The other rivers although good, have been steady of slightly waning activity. The lower Main Stem is soon to go between hatches and there is usually a tough week or so before the faster water insects kick in.
At this time anglers should make sure they have BH Pheasant tails, Ice Pupas, Copper Johns. Generic nymphs such as prince, hares ear, stoneflies etc. will also draw some action. High sticking with an indicator has been the best producing method this week.
On the Surface our guests are killing it with our knock down duns, mayfly cripples and hackle wing spinner. During the heavy caddis activity a crippled or spent caddis is the key. The good fish have been ignoring any high floating patterns that move about on the waters surface. Our CDC caddis are an excellent choice at this time.
We have openings for the prime spring season for float trips and walk wades. Give us a call today to plan your next fishing adventure 607-290-4022