Upper Delaware Fly Fishing Report
This weekend looks like it will be the first real good opportunity of the season where anglers can expect to see excellent action.
Yesterday our guests continued enjoying good action across a wide area of the system. Below is a nice mature Rainbow taken on my boat yesterday. This Trout took a knock down dun.

The fishing has been very good all week. The insect hatches are reliable and very heavy. The Water temperatures across the system are in a range where all of the Trout are up and actively feeding.
In addition to the great river conditions the weather is forecast for nothing but sunshine and air temps. in the mid 50's to low 60's.
The Baxter House guides have been busy since the opener. We have already had float trips and some walk wades that have pretty much covered a wide portion of the system. Currently there is not really a bad choice as far as the river you choose. River location and time of day is more important at this time.
The best action is still from 3:00 pm until dark. The tailwaters have been getting going a bit earlier and the freestones a bit later. The best action with the insects comes from slower water with medium to small bottom gravel. In most instances the tailouts of the pools have been best.
Anglers can expect to see Blue Quills, Hendricksons, Quill Gordons, Stoneflies and small Caddisflies.
Our best pattern on the surface by far this week has been knock down duns. The ephemerella family of insects has a very high mortality rate during the hatch and the fish key in on the spent looking duns.
If you are planning on fishing this weekend stop in the Shop. We are fully stocked with the best local fly patterns. We are also closing out a lot of FLy Tying materials at up to 50% off.