Upper Delaware Fly Fishing Report
AS many of you know we are heading into the Spring Trout season after a very mild winter. The 2016 season will start with no snow pack in the mountains which normally means that our waters will warm much earlier than usual.
That is already the case here. The fishing is pretty good in the river sections that are open. Our guides have already been out for some successful float trips.
Right now the West Branch, Main Stem and the no-kill sections of the Beaverkill and Willowemoc are fishing well. The West and Main stem have the best action with insects and rising Trout. The Beamoc water are fishing best with nymphs and streamers.
At this time anglers should expect to find some mixed sized Stoneflies, Midges, Small Olives, Blue Quills and possibly some early Quill Gordons and Hendricksons. What you will find on the water is heavily dependent on the section of water you are fishing. The best chance for dry fly action will be on the West Branch and Main Stem.
Anglers who do plan on fishing the early season will find The waters of the Upper Delaware to be in great condition for both fish and fishermen. The waters are low for the time of year and will be fully dependent on natural rainfall through the spring period. Currently the water temperatures are in the low 50's.
This morning we woke to some light but steady rainfall with air temperatures around 40 degrees. The rain is not expected to be significant, about 1/4 of an inch. The next few days are forecast for decent weather with temps. in the 50's
We are now open in both the Fly Shop and for Guided Fly Fishing Trips. Currently our guides are finding good action with light fishing pressure. In the coming days we are offering float trips on both the West Branch and on the Man Stem Delaware.
Give us a call today to book your next fishing trip. 607-290-4022