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Upper Delaware Fly Fishing Report


Today we are forecast for a continuation of our rainy weather. The storms passing through the region today once again have the potential to produce heavy rainfall over our rivers and reservoirs.

This is great news. Today's rain combined with the heavy storms that occurred on Sunday have all of the tributaries to the NYC reservoirs running well. Over the next week or so the reservoir levels should rise closer to full capacity. This should trigger some cold water releases in the coming weeks.

The rainfall from Sunday combined with cooler overnight air temperatures has stabilized all of our Trout rivers for the time being. The Main Stem Delaware is now back under the 70 degree mark all the way to Callicoon.

Anglers looking to get out on the rivers this week will find decent conditions in most places. For at least today there will be some turbidity in all waters. This turbidity is already settling out but it will take a day or two without additional rainfall to complete the process.

The high and turbid water has created perfect conditions for streamer fishing. We have some openings this week if you want to hunt the largest Brown Trout in the system!

River Flow Table

Beaverkill -991cfs.

Wilowemoc - 750 cfs.

Upper East Branch -659 cfs

Lower East Branch -1860 cfs.

West Branch - 1130 cfs.

Main Stem -4750 cfs.

Our fly shop is now open daily. We are fully stocked with the essentials and the best local fly patterns in the area. If you are planning to fish and want to get the scoop on what's happening on all area rivers, stop in. Our guides will be in and around the shop from 8:30 am until they leave for their trips. You can pick their brains on the latest hatches, techniques and locations. Our staff will be available to you on a daily basis from now through the end of June

Currently there are Cornuta Olives Green Drakes, Brown Drakes, Isonychia, March Browns, Sulfurs, Stoneflies, Caddisflies and more emerging from all Upper Delaware Rivers. There is good spinner activity most nights. Anglers should now target the areas around the faster riffles and pocket water. Most of the insects that are emerging now are fast water dwellers and all of the late day spinner activity will happen in these same areas.

Today's Upper Delaware Fly Selection- Cornuta Olives, Green Drake Cripples, Baxter House Coffin Fly, Kens Coffin fly, Hackle Wing March Brown Spinner, Hackle WIng Rusty Spinners, March Browns, Sulfurs, Blue Quill CDC Duns, Elk Over CDC Caddis, X Caddis, Peacock Klinkhammers BH Copper Johns, BH Pheasant Tails, Ice Caddis, KT Pupas, BH Stoneflies, Flash Back Pheasant Tails, Cased Caddis Small Zonkers, BH Wooly Buggers , Sculpins, Bottom Wigglers, Muddlers, Small Atriculated FliesStreamers of 3" or less will be most effective at this time.

We are now taking reservations for Guided Smallmout Bass and Evening Hatch Trout trips for the months of July and August. Give the fly shop a call today for details! 607-290-4022

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