Upper Delaware Fly Fishing Report
All Upper Delaware rivers are really low today. Over the last 24 hourd the heat combined with the lack of rain and non existent releases from the almost full reservoirs have pushed a large percent of our rivers to dangerous temperatures again.
We are still taking our guests out but at this time every day consists of coming up with a new way to find water that is moving and below 70 degrees.
If the current trend of no rain and a deaf ear from the NYC Mayor and the DRBC continues our beautiful Trout rivers and the communities along the rivers are in for a summer of hardship.
Please help out today by calling or emailing the NYC mayor - Bill DeBlasio and the following people. These are the people who make the decesions on releases and these are the people who are starving our rivers while the reservoirs are full.
Paul Rush (NYCDEP) prush@dep.nyc.gov ph:845-334-7107 Thom Murphy (NYCDEP) tmurphy@dep.nyc.gov ph: 914-742-2006 Mark Klotz (NYSDEC) maklotz@gw.dec.state.ny.us ph:518-402-8233 Fred Hensen (NYSDEC) fghenson@gw.dec.state.ny.us ph: 518-402-8901 Mark Hartle (PAFBC) mhartle@pa.gov ph: 814-359-5133 Kelly Heffner (PADEP) kheffner@pa.gov ph: (717) 783-2300 Hoss Liaghat (PADEP) aliaghat@pa.gov ph: (717) 783-2300 Dan Kennedy (NJDEP) Dan.Kennedy@dep.nj.gov ph: 609-292-4543 David Wunsch (UDEL) dwunsch@udel.edu ph: 302-831-8258