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Upper Delaware Fly Fishing Report

River Flow Table

Beaverkill - 2430 cfs.

Wilowemoc - 1550 cfs.

Upper East Branch -782 cfs

Lower East Branch - 3390 cfs.

West Branch - 698 cfs.

Main Stem - 6160 cfs.

This weeks bright sun and warm days has done a lot for our local river conditions. The East and West branches are in excellent condition. They are both wadable, clear and the fishing is getting better daily.

The Beaverkill, Willoemoc, Lower East and Main Stem are still showing the influence of snow melt. All are still high, ice cold and with light turbidity around some tributaries.

The tilwaters are still your best bet at this time.

Currently anglers can find the water to fish Streamers, Nymphs and dry flies. ANglers should start with streamers and nymphs earely in the day and take a look for some surface activity after the sun has warmed the water for a few hours.

There are Stoneflies, Midges, Blue Quills and Quill Gordons on the water. None of these are super heavy yet but you can always see some insect life on the waters surface. Hendricksone and Apple Caddis should start to show up soon.

Anglers need to remember that over the winter the East and West branches had releases under 100cfs. and most of these rivers were frozen. ALthough the river are ban full and look great most all of the water will be void of Trout. You have to look at the river and only fish the areas that would have had deep water at 100 cfs. Until we start getting heavy hatches of mayflies the fish will have no real motivation to spread out from their winter holes.

This week the Beaverkill and WIllowemoc received their first stocking of Trout from the satee of NY. Anglers fishng this weekend should find some eager to eat fish..

We have some openings this weekend for float trips. Currently we are doing a mix of streamer, nymph and dry fly fishing. If you would like to get out give us a call in the fly shop. 607-290-4022

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