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Upper Delaware Fly Fishing Report


Yesterday was another great bug day! Below is a Bill Hardy with a 22" Brown that sipped a Knock Down Hendrickson Pattern.

Bill Hardy 22in Brown.jpg

On yesterday's float we had steady dry fly fishing and we put quite a few quality Trout in the net. Below is Tom Gibson with a few of his fish.

Tom G Brown MS.jpg

Tom G rainbow.jpg

tom g brown 2.jpg

River Flow Table

Beaverkill - 400 cfs.

Wilowemoc - 255cfs.

Upper East Branch -120 cfs

Lower East Branch - 767 cfs.

West Branch -300 cfs.

Main Stem -1720 cfs.

Our fly shop is now open daily. We are fully stocked with the essentials and the best local fly patterns in the area. If you are planning to fish and want to get the scoop on what's happening on all area rivers, stop in. Our guides will be in and around the shop from 8:30 am until they leave for their trips. You can pick their brains on the latest hatches, techniques and locations. Our staff will be available to you on a daily basis from now through the end of June

The Hendrickson's are on! In most places we now have good hatches and quality match the hatch dry fly fishing. AS is always the case with the Hendrickson hatch some of the rivers largest fish have been up on the surface eating during the mid day hours.

Yesterday also brought the first really good spinner fall of the season. Where I was floating there was enough Blue Quill and Hendrickson spinners to keep the trout rising steadily right till dark.

Anglers can expect to find unlimited wading access throughout the river system. Anglers should be able to fish both nymphs and dry flies with decent results.

There are Stoneflies, Midges, Small Caddis, Blue Quills and Quill Gordons and Hendrickson's on the water.

Today's Upper Delaware Fly Selection

Blue Quill CDC Duns, Quill Gordon Cripples, Hendrickson Knock Down Duns, Hendrickson Cripples, Red Quill Cripples, Elk Over CDC Caddis, X Caddis, Peacock Klinkhammers, Apple Caddis

BH Copper Johns, BH Pheasant Tails, Ice Caddis, KT Pupas, BH Stoneflies, Flash Back Pheasant Tails, Cased Caddis

Small Zonkers, BH Wooly Buggers , Sculpins, Bottom Wigglers, Muddlers, Small Atriculated Flies

Streamers of 3" or less will be most effective at this time.


Both the Beaverkill and Willow are fishing decent under normal spring conditions. Both are cold and crystal clear. Both rivers have excellent wading access at this time. Yesterday there was increased insect activity on both rivers. Anglers should be ready to encounter most any of the early spring insects at this time.

Both nymphs and dry flies will take Trout at this time. ANglers should nymph early and start looking for risers in mid afternoon.


The Upper East is now very low. Fooling trout right now is a challenge. At the current flows the Upper river wil live up to it's reputation as a difficult fishery.

There are Blue Quills and Hendricksons emerging well.

The Lower East is now fishing well. The nymph action is good and there is decent dry fly activity when the wind is down.

Over the last 2 days drift boat traffic has increased and it is sure to get worse over the weekend despite the low water. At the current low rates the fishing in this section usually declines due to this traffic.

Hendrickson's are on the water. There are also a lot of small caddisflies and stoneflies and Blue Quills about. .

Most of our recent fish have come on our Caddis Pupa patterns and Blue Quill patterns..


The West is now fishing well when the wind is down. Yesterday the West had improved insect activity and the trout are feeding. Blue Quills have been Heavy.

The next few weeks will bring heavy angler pressure on the West and with the low water conditions it could make for some tough to fool fish.


There has been some steady rising to Blue Qills.

The West has some activity with Caddis, Quill Gordons and Hendricksons. The Hendrickson Hatch is a MAJOR hatch on the West and it lasts a very long time. Anglers will find great match the hatch fishing in the coming weeks.

This river is also getting tough due to lower water flows. Anglers may need to use longer leaders to fool these wary trout.


The Main Stem is now at a good flow and fishing very well. The waters are crystal clear and cold. We had several boats here yesterday and the fishing was greatly improved. Insects emerged from 2:00pm until we were done. We had lots of shots at rising Trout and we ran the numbers up a bit.

On yesterday's float we found some real impressive Trout feeding and spent a good portion of the day casting to 20" plus quality Trout.

There were many different insects in the air and on the water. There are lots of Stonefilies about. There are also Caddisflies, Blue Quills, Quill Gordons, Hendricksons and Midges. The most abundant insect yesterday wes Hendrickson Duns. Last night there was a fairly heavy spinner fall of Blue QUills and Hendricksons.

The Main has decent nymphing if you are able to get your flies into the slow seams and pockets.

This river is also on the verge of getting good fast.

Now is the time to give us a call if you want to get out with our guides in the month of May. If you would like to get out give us a call in the fly shop. 607-290-4022.

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